
Osteopathy is type of manual therapy treatment to cure pain, stiffness and movement dysfunction. Osteopathy uses variety of techniques including: soft tissue manipulation, trigger point release, visceral manipulation, muscle energy techniques and much more. It is a hands on, natural, drug free and a highly effective way to provide pain relief.

Osteopathy is a manual adjustment to the musculoskeletal system, It is also a technique that manually manipulates soft tissue connections within and around our organs, so called visceral manipulation.

Our highly skilled Osteopathy treats variety of conditions including Arthritis, neck/Back pain, headaches, tendinitis, digestive problems such as IBS, nerve disorders, whiplash, fibromyalgia, respiratory and circulation problems and much more. Osteopathy uses variety of techniques including: soft tissue manipulation, trigger point release, visceral manipulation, muscle energy techniques and much more.